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A strategic posture defines the intent of a strategy in relation to the current and future market place. There are three basic postures. When a business prepares for the future, it can adopt one of three strategic postures. One is to shape the future, becoming an industry leader and influencing the direction of the entire industry. Another is to adapt, reacting to industry changes without trying to force or lead them. The third is "reserving the right to play." This is for cautious companies that want to stay in business without committing to a specific path immediately. marrybrown strategic posture is the number one strategic which is to shape the future, becoming an industry leader and influencing the direction of the entire industry. marrybrown vision “To be a national restaurant company of most admired brand – through the power of our people and our culture”, thus the company already plans about future and want to become a leader in the national market through their people and culture.
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